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The Torrey pine is a rare species of pine tree restricted to just two regions in the United States. Only a few thousand Torrey pines now exist in the wild and no other pine tree species exists in a smaller habitat than the Torrey pine. One population of the tree, which may actually be a distinct subspecies, grows on Santa Rosa Island. The other separate population of Torrey pines exists in the coastal chaparral region north of La Jolla, California at the Torrey Pines State Park.

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The Torrey pine is a rare species of pine tree restricted to just two regions in the United States. Only a few thousand Torrey pines now exist in the wild and no other pine tree species exists in a smaller habitat than the Torrey pine. One population of the tree, which may actually be a distinct subspecies, grows on Santa Rosa Island. The other separate population of Torrey pines exists in the coastal chaparral region north of La Jolla, California at the Torrey Pines State Park.

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